
Category Archives: Facial Anatomy

Mr. Leatherbarrow Delivers Lecture on Facial Anatomy at Royal College of Surgeons

Earlier in February and in March, Mr. Leatherbarrow delivered informative lectures on facial anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons in London, with an emphasis on an appreciation of the danger areas of the face when undertaking dermal filler injections. Mr. Leatherbarrow’s participation was part of a series of lectures delivered to groups of practitioners […]

Mr. Leatherbarrow Helps Spread Facial Palsy Awareness

Mr. Leatherbarrow recently contributed his knowledge and expertise to Facial Palsy UK, a charity created specifically to support those affected by the disorder. He has provided the organization with information regarding eye surgery, which will be used to help educate and inform their site’s visitors about their treatment options. He is a member of the […]

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