What You Should Know When Considering Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
- Posted on: Sep 29 2013
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Whether you’re looking into cosmetic eye surgery because you’re unhappy with how baggy your under eye areas have become or because your upper eyelids are uncomfortably droopy, there are several points to consider. Understanding what is involved and choosing the right surgeon is vital.
Cosmetic eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an “eye lift,” is done to repair drooping eyelids or sagging under eye areas. During this operation, folds of skin are removed from the upper eyelids and eye bags from the lower eyelids, resulting in a more rested, alert appearance.
When considering this procedure, it’s important to schedule a consultation with an experienced oculoplastic surgeon, a surgeon who specializes in surgery around the eyes. Your surgeon should assess your suitability for the surgery and conduct a comprehensive examination of your eyes before, and after, the procedure.
The surgeon you select for your surgery should know how to prevent and manage any complications that may arise, as these can have a major impact on your eyes.
The minor complications that most often occur include:
- Blurred or double vision, which mainly lasts for a few hours but can persist for up to a day or two following surgery.
- Watery eyes, which may be experienced during the first few days after the operation.
- Irritable eyes, a condition that can persist for two to three weeks or sometimes longer.
Less common and more serious complications include:
- Corneal abrasion, or a scratch to the surface of the eyeball.
- Damage to the muscles that move the eyeball.
- Ptosis, when the upper eyelid does not open because of a stretching of the muscle or tendon that controls it.
- Acute glaucoma, which is raised pressure within the eye. A patient at risk of such a postoperative problem would be identified by an oculoplastic surgeon during their consultation.
- Haematoma, when a collection of blood pools around the eyelids or behind the eyeball.
- Infection. To help to prevent such a problem, you must follow postoperative wound care instructions, which should be provided to you in writing following your surgery.
- Retraction of the lower eyelids.
Aesthetic problems that can occur following cosmetic eye surgery include:
- Asymmetry, such as a marked difference in the fullness of the eyelids. Further surgery may be required to address this. It is impossible for any surgeon to create perfect symmetry, although an oculoplastic surgeon strives to achieve this.
- A sunken-looking eye appearance if too much fatty tissue is removed, which is why the removal of fat from the upper lid should be undertaken very conservatively. Fat in the lower eyelid is most often repositioned rather than removed.
- Scarring, which can be treated with steroid injections or with the application of silicone gels, but most eyelid wounds heal with scars that are barely perceptible.
Click here to learn more about the the various complications that can arise during cosmetic eyelid surgery.
Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) in Manchester
To learn more about blepharoplasty, contact us today and schedule a consultation. Our clinic is located in South Manchester, not far from the airport, and you can reach us at 0161 947 2720. We look forward to hearing from you.
Mr Leatherbarrow has very recently published an article on “Complications of Blepharoplasty” in conjunction with his colleague Mr Konal Saha. This is based on his considerable experience of managing patients with such complications who are referred to him from far afield.
Complications of Blepharoplasty
Brian Leatherbarrow, FRCOphth1 Konal Saha, FRCOphth2
1Department of Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
2Corneoplastic Department, Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, United Kingdom
Facial Plast Surg 2013;29:281–288.
This article provides a comprehensive discussion on the complications of blepharoplasty. We discuss the importance of preoperative counselling and surgical planning to provide the patient with a satisfactory outcome. Strategies are presented to manage common complications.
Tagged with: Blepharoplasty, Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery
Posted in: Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Cosmetic Treatments, Eye Surgery